Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy The Man! Urgent and Important

Being Happy - On 20 March, our assembly session was about 'Being Happy'. Citing the example of the Dalai Lama, Mr Simen emphasized the importance of being happy in whatever you do. During the holidays, much had happened. Emphasis was placed on using the holidays to recharge, engaging in your meaningful and wholesome hobbies and activities, even doing well in competitions fpr Montfortians like Abdul Malik (Art extradonairre in Post Box design competition), Harry Pang (Intellectual Giant at our chess competition), our badminton players (Pilot Pen tournament) and all the other achievements mentioned in our previous postings.

The main point was about having self-restraint, being disciplined, having focus and enjoying what you do.

If you want to read about an interview done with the Dalai Lama, it can be found in

Urgent - Important X-Y Axis

The assembly was also about how to prioratise between what was important and urgent.

1. Draw a graph and label 'important' on the x axis .
2. Label the y axis 'urgent'.

Try to figure out what is of critical importance when dealing with your various tasks. Analyze it using the various quadrants.

Still can't figure it out? There are basically four combinations of situations you can get.

a. Important and Urgent - This is obviously THE critical thing to do. It has a timebomb and explodes in a day's time or very soon if not dealt with.

b. Not Important and Urgent - This is not critical and can usually be done very quickly. They are usually small matters which can sometimes have important consequences.

c. Important and Not Urgent - This requires you to work consistently towards your goal and keep it in your sights. These targets must always be within your arc of fire and at the back of your mind.

d. Not Important and Not Urgent - This is least critical. Do it only if you have the time.

Softball, X-Box and DOTA

Award ceremonies were held for these events held during the holidays. It was a meaningful and emotional moment for Mr Simen and our boys.

Get Well Soon, Mr Lim

Our lab assistant, Mr Lim was hospitalized during the holidays because of a mild stroke. An old boy of the school who has served the school for more than 40 years, Mr Lim is thankfully recovering well in Tan Tock Seng hospital. He was even able to sing along to Cliff Richard and Elvis when Mr Simen visited him in hospital and crooned to him. We wish him an early recovery and wish him well.


Anonymous said...

it will be good if we have christian or catholic to play those praise songs during community singing...

Anonymous said...

and play together as a full band...

Education Sg Blog said...

Sure. Just waiting for volunteers and real 'men' to step up and to be counted.

Anonymous said...

nice... i didn't know our school had a blog till today =P visit my blog but dun mind my bad english =D
http://yeodle.blogspot.com no www. no need I have to say though work on background it's abit too plain