Friday, March 28, 2008

The Gentlemanly Blog

Why do you use the best language you can on blogs?

It's because you're on a public domain. Being a gentleman means that you know the difference between and public and private domain and you don't trash people or issues in public. The insensitivity can hurt many, whether it is intended or unintended is immaterial.

Consider what some have said about how some we blog and you'll see that we're setting a really positive example:

"I'm blooooooody impressed when I blogged hopped,from on,All their monfort friends are all so profound.I'm impressed with their fluent language, descriptive words, and everything.I'm damn jealous.Since montfort people are alrdy like that,I cant imagine top end schools like RI? RGS?Their flowery words sure make me more jealous. HAHA"
(blog link removed on request)

Keep the flag flying.

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