Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Excerpts of an RI Boy's Blog's view on Mr Simen

Wednesday, April 25, 2007. Dreams! - (

I want to request for a switch of Headmasters!Geez, I feel so jealous of the student population at Montford Sec after reading the Interview Article in the Digital Life section of the Straits Times on Tuesday April 24.Apparently, the high-energy principal there (Mr. Simen Lourds) encourages students to develop their talents in other areas other than in academic ones- so much so that he organized a DOTA competition within the school and even paid for the prizes, worth $1,100 in all, out of his very own pocket.

Furthermore, the article reported that the 49-year-old principal also fought for a gaming center to be built on-campus, in which the $80K gaming center will be where students can play the latest games like C & C 3.It was written further down the article that his openness towards gaming has endeared him to his students- evidently shown from among the many SMS messages received from them, one of which says: "You are THE best principal!"

Wow. If we were half as open towards gaming as this Mr. Lourds, RI will be a much better place for the student population. Imagine having our very own gaming center (I’m pretty sure there’s more than sufficient land space for one seeing how big the new offices are for the staff) right in the campus- where CCA groups, classes, seniors and juniors alike, could spend quality bonding together through activities that endear best to guys. All these instead of us having to rush out of school in civies after the Common Tests week to the various LAN centers around Singapore to reserve seats. The worse part is that many a times in these LAN centers, there are gangsters-type of gamers who seemingly look pissed at our existence.

Here are some reasons why Gaming should be encouraged:

Gaming builds up teamwork. In popular games such as DOTA & Counterstrike, gamers can cultivate a sense of teamwork; accounting for each other, assisting each other, guarding the backs of each other. Through such gameplay, one will gradually realize the importance of working as a team and not as an individual, for these team-games would require the coordination of the entire team to succeed.

Gaming allows interaction among the student population. In the gameplay, one can make new friends with those in the same team, commonly grouping themselves to fight against the common enemy- the opposing team. Hence, a simple game of Counterstrike could prove to be ten times more effective than a session of icebreakers during CCA trainings.

Gaming opens an alternative avenue in which talented gamers can find solitude in- instead of being sports-oriented like what the situation is currently, emphasis can also be placed on entertaining activities such as board games-playing, gaming, etc.As the principal of Montfort puts it, ‘You can’t stop students from gaming, it’s the interest of the new generation, and schools are fighting a losing battle trying to stop it. I won’t fight it, I will manage it instead."

Well said Sir, like the old saying go, if you can’t beat them, join them! - Daniel Goh on 1:42 PM

1 comment:

Chef said...

In Sun Tzu War and management book, it says to win a war you need to know your enemy in order to win the war. This is what i feel the principal of montfort is moving towards ! You will win the war Sir !! GoGoGoGoGo