Monday, July 30, 2007

Chronic & Recurrent - July 31 2007

Mr Simen was back from his evaluation attachment for a short stint. He gave a powerful speech on discipline and self focus.

A. Chronic and Recurrent

Mr Simen reminded the school about his talk the previous week about how Padraig Harrington beat Sergio Garcia (despite Garcia being in the far lead) at the British Open.

He spoke about how he could not help comparing our boys with the school he was evaluating. Whatever we do must not be a one-off, flash-in-the-pants item.

Chronic - A chronic condition is one lasting 3 months or more, by the definition of the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics. In ancient Greece, the "father of medicine" Hippocrates distinguished diseases that were acute (abrupt, sharp and brief) from those that were chronic. This is still a very useful distinction

Recurrent - occurring again; happening or appearing again, especially repeatedly, sometimes with intermission in between.

There were 3 chronic and recurrent areas which because they need constant reminders, need to be stamped out:

(a) Late-coming - This sometimes was acute and chronic because Montfort School is the ONLY SCHOOL in Singapore which starts at 8:30am

(b) Grooming

(c) Age Quod Agis - Feeling proud in whatever you do.

(d) School song/ National Anthem/ Pledge - It can always be done better.

If you have to recite the pledge, anthem or school song again because it is too song, it is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. If you have to be reminded to be groomed or to report punctually for class and school at 8:30am, it is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

B. Our Father in Heaven

Mr Simen spoke about a sermon he heard at mass. The priest at St Joseph Church said, "The Most Biblical prayer is the Our Father"

It set Mr Simen thinking in ways he had not considered before. He said that on further reflection, the Our Father was the most Biblical prayer because it was not just about MOUTHING the prayer, it was also about LIVING IT.

OUR FATHER and our school song "ALL YE SONS OF MONTFORT SCHOOL" shows that we are all brothers and sisters in the same community. As a result, we have to show care and consideration for one another. We have to ask each other, "Hello, How are you?".

Do we do that? By coming late for school, by giving the school a bad reputation outside, by being slovenly, are we being considerate? Do we treat others, our brothers and sisters, in the spirit of the "our Father"?

C. The Mission of the School - A Discerning and Compassionate Individual

Mr Simen then spoke to us about what our school was, is and will ever be about - Being a Discerming and Compassionate Individual.

As a discerning person, do we know what is right and wrong? Do we choose and do what is right, even when we have to make little mistakes? Do we know that the school is not a holiday resort where we pick and choose whatever we like? (Eg. Mass Exercise)

Are we considerate and compassionate people who spare a thought for others? And who are Men for Others?

The formulae is simple -

a. Discipline

b. Focus and Attention. Sometimes stopping to think and evaluate

c. Performance with consistency.

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