Saturday, August 30, 2008

Excerpts from a Blog from an Alumni


This morning, I went back to Montfort Secondary School to visit my teachers! I bought 9 chocolate bars with nuts to the school. I saw my form teacher Mdm Nora. I said hi to her and passed her one of the chocolate bar!

Later i saw Mrs Helen Tan!!!! My favourite POA teacher in my secondary school days! I ask what happened to her because I heard about her surgery and she says she is fine already. So Glad! I passed one of the choco bars to her as well, chatted with her abit and she is doing great! =) Cheers! She is still so cheerful as before! Take good care alright!

I saw my English teacher, Mrs Lee Poh Lin, and she's great! She is a very nice teacher as well!

I saw my Combined Science teachers Mrs Jamie Tan and Mr Leonard Ng and kind of miss my Chinese teachers from China. They have left the school and I hope they are doing great! I was surprised to see Mr Bao Hong Liang outside a classroom! I remember vividly that he was one of my brother's favourite Chinese teacher. I went forward to greet him and asked him if he remembered my brother. I was surprised that he remembered my brother after so many years.

I had not seen him for years and inquired about this.

'How come so many years never see you'

He said he recently returned to teach this year. He even said I looked my my brother. Haha! Wow! It has been so many years and he still remembers my brother. That's cool!

I miss Montfort school although I do have some bitter memories. The teachers are the only ones I miss so much! I also miss my principal, Mr Simen Lourds!!!!!! He is really a great man!!!!! Long live Mr Simen Lourds!!!!! 3 CHEERS FOR HIM!!!!!

- S... K...

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