Friday, August 1, 2008

Student Council President Elections

Student Council President Elections
On the First of August, the whole school gathered at the hall for the Q&A session with the two student council president candidates, Boey Teng Ann(3E1) and Daniel Lee(3E1). The student population was able to pose questions and clarify any doubts during the session.

No Promise
With Mr Victor Ong as moderator, queries where quickly raised and it almost became like a mini-debate session. One asked why there were the candidates made no promises for them. Their response: not all promises can be kept as the president is not the ultimate authority in school, whichi is the principal. Therefore making promises that may not be kept would only anger the student. Promises that are possible may take a long time to fufill. But one promise they can keep is to promise that they do the right thing, and not what is popular or easy.

Several questions were asked about the student councillors and their bad points. The simple response was that the councillors are people, and noone is perfect and make mistakes. Questions about the council were not really related as the Q&A session was for the school.

Raising the bar
One student posed the question of raising the standard of the students and not only the councillors. The candidates agreed that a change in the council is needed first, as they are of smaller size. Then, with the councillors as better role models, the students would most likely follow their example. That way, the whole school's image could be changed.

The reason why the the candidates posed questions back to the school population as some of the questions asked were not thought through first.

Daniel Lee wishes to get the student population to suggest what they want to see/have in school and will impliment student character development, together with the school's current programme, to fufill his vision of 'everyone is a man of reason'.

Boey Teng Ann hopes to use his knowledge, experience and ability to take action and get results to win the election.

Overall, they feel that as it is just the 2nd time the whole school is electing the president, the school is not 'seasoned' enough for a true and real election. What they can also promise is the fact that no matter what the outcome of the election is, they will work together for the benefit of the school. The results of the election would be releasd on the 4th of August, Monday

Written by:
Brian Theng, 2E4

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